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Board of Trustees

As an independent school and 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, NCRC is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees. The Board governs the affairs of the school in close partnership with the Head of School and top administrators. The Board is not involved in the day-to-day management of the school, but rather works to assure that NCRC—a model of independent early education—is fiscally sound and operating in accord with its Strategic Plan, and stated mission. NCRC’s Board of Trustees meets at least 10 times during the school year as a full group. Additionally, within the Board of Trustees, there are 8 subcommittees: Executive, Trustee, Finance, Audit, Advancement, Communications and Community, Special Needs Initiatives Committee (SNIC), and Diversity, Inclusion, Cultural Competence and Equity Committee (DICE). In addition to participating in the regularly scheduled Board Meetings with the entire Board, Trustees actively participate in regularly scheduled sub-committee meetings.

Megan Ortiz, Chair
Nicole Collings, Vice Chair
Adam Chepenik, Treasurer
Lisa Devlin, Secretary
Linda Oramasionwu-Leverette, Member at Large
Nate Rawlings, Member at Large
Gena Stern, Member at Large
Mara Silver, Consultant to Committee as Board Counsel


Justin Bernstine
Molly Dean
Rhonda Dobbins
Anne Filipic
Melanie Gart
Emily Watts Johnson
Brian Knapp
Shantanu Lal
Sam Lissner
Amy Markopoulos
Alexandra Moe
Karen Sheikh, 
Parent Association Representative
Janet Whittaker
Jon D’Souza, 
Medical Advisor to Board