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Early Learning Program (Ages 2-3)

The Early Learner is a blur of activity while figuring out how the world works.

Often a child's first learning experience, early learners are beginning to identify their thoughts and feelings through play. The early learning program supports children as they navigate social relationships, develop play skills, and foster self-help and problem solving skills such as sharing.
Source: Susan Stacey, Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood

Early Learning Program Skill Set & Development Focus
  • Explore social relationships
  • Develop play skills and imagination
  • Develop self-help and problem-solving skills
  • Begin to identify their thoughts and feelings through play
  • For example, to facilitate play and problem-solving skills, children are taught a specific script for learning how to share, i.e., “May I have a turn?” “Yes,” or “In one minute”


  • AM Program: 8:30 am–11:30 am
  • AM Plus Program: 8:30 am–12:30 pm
  • PM Program: 12:30 pm–3:30 pm
  • Full-Day Program: 8:30 am–3:00pm
  • Later Gators Extended Day Program: 3:00 pm–5:00 pm

All programs participate in the following weekly specials:

  • Music led by Levine School of Music
  • Library
  • Mindful Movement  (integrated program of motor skills, yoga, and mindfulness)